
GATE (Life Science)

Examination held on Second Sunday of February of every year and Forms come in September/October every year.

Part I: Compulsory Chemistry
This covers chemistry up to B.Sc. level and have fix pattern like some questions from Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry, Aromatic reaction mechanism etc.

Part II: Optional Paper
In Optionals you are to choose any two papers from the following: Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Botany, Microbiology, Zoology.

Some Tips:

· It is more fruitful to choose Biochemistry as one subject and second one you can choose any of your interest, because Biochemistry syllabus comprise Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Immunology and molecular Biology and all these questions are basic level but analytical.
· Number of questions required to Qualify GATE depends on your performance in optionals.
· In optional it is safe to attempt around 25 in each for ranks within 100.

. In chemistry (Compulsory) only attempt those questions where you are 100 % sure. Even 2-5 questions would be enough to obtain good score.


This Examination held in April of every year and Forms comes in January-February.

Paper I: Consist 50 Questions which cover Basic Physics, Chemistry and General Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Immunology, Microbiology etc.

Paper II: Consist 200 questions of which 50 has to be attempted this paper is quite difficult as it contain questions from hardcore Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Biochemistry and other advance topics.


This Examination held in July of every year and Forms come in March.

Section A: Comprise 50 questions from Scientific aptitude, General Science and general Knowledge.

Section B: Comprise 100 questions from Biochemistry, Microbiology, Immunology, Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Recombinant DNA etc.

Section C: This is Social Science Students.

· The Life Science students have to score 55% marks 950% for SC/ST) for Top 100 ranks.

· Every year 80 students from Life Science and 20 students from Social Sciences are awarded ICMR JRF.

· If somebody do not join any Institute within six months of awarding JRF this will be awarded to next student in the waiting list of 100 students.

Major PhD Entrances any Postgraduate must Appear & their Examination Patterns

IISc. Bangalore

Forms comes in January every year & examination is held in 2 stages.

Stage I:
Written Test: Held in last Sunday of April. Most of questions are from advanced biology.
Stage II:
Interview: Held in June second week.
Session Start: In July Last

NBRC (National Brain Research Centre)

Nature of Entrance: Written and Interview

NII (National Institute of Immunology)
Nature of Entrance: Written and Interview

BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Center)
Nature of Entrance: Written and Interview

TIFR (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)

Forms comes in September/October every year.
Entrance for DBS, Bombay and NCBS, Bangalore is 3 stage Entrance Examination.
Stage I:
Written Test: Comprise “extreme basics” of physics, chemistry, maths and biology.
From this year this section will consist of the usual 2 hours test. Followed by an additional one hour for a 1500 word essay on a general scientific topic. Up to three choices will be provided for the essay topic.

Stage II:
Interview: In March-April at Bangalore and/or Mumbai. There will be two rounds of Interview. Ist round is general round and after short listing next round of interview will be on the basis of in-depth knowledge of subject and proposal.
Result: In May just after completion of Interview.


Courses Offered: M.Phil & PhD in Environmental Science, Life Science & Biotechnology.

Nature of Entrance: Usually held in mid of May Entrance Test comprises Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Advanced Level Biology. Four centers held their exams separately School of Environmental Sciences (SES), School of Life Sciences (SLS), School of Biotechnology (SBT), Special Center for Molecular Medicine (SCMM)

Interviews held in July


Nature of Entrance: Written Test held two times in a year (July and January) which comprises both objective and subjective questions. Then two rounds of interviews are held.



ICMR JRF Examination is the first step in the process of admission to the Ph.D/ Research Programme through council's support. Test for ICMR JRF fellowship are conducted at the seven centres viz. Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Guwahati and Mumbai once a year. The award of JRF is made on merit basis by holding an entrance examination after issuing a countrywide admission notice. The admission notice is published in leading English Newspapers of India usually during March/April and also on the website. The entrance examination is usually held in the first/second week of July.
ICMR holds a national level examination for determining the eligibility of Indian National candidates for the award of Junior Research Fellowships (JRF) through Indian Council of Medical Research. The award of Junior Research Fellowship to the successful eligible candidates will depend on their finding placement in a medical college / hospital / university / national laboratory / institution of higher learning and research as applicable.
Specimen paper for ICMR-JRF

CSIR fellowships
The EMR Division under HRD Group of CSIR provide CSIR Research Fellowship and Associateships to bright young men and women for training in methods of research under the expert guidance of faculty members /scientists working in University Departments/ National Laboratories and Institutes in various fields of Science & Technology and Medical Sciences. List of CSIR Laboratories is at Annexure- I.

The CSIR Fellowships / Associateships are tenable in Universities/IITs/Post-Graduate Colleges/Government Research Establishments including those of CSIR, R&D establishments of recognized public or private sector, industrial firms and other recognized institutions. However, CSIR reserves the right to determine the place best suited to provide necessary facilities in the area of science and technology in which the awardee is to specialize.

The CSIR Fellowships / Associatships are tenable in India. Only bonafide Indian citizens, residing in India are eligible for the award of research Fellowship/Associateships. The programme is aimed at National Human Resource Development for S&T.

The award of CSIR Fellowship / Associateships is for fixed tenure and does not imply any assurance or guarantee for subsequent employment by CSIR to the beneficiary. The authority to award / terminate vests with CSIR. The awardee shall not lay claim to permanent absorption in CSIR, after the expiry of Fellowship / Associateship.
Information Bulletin 
Model questions for CSIR UGC NET for JRF & LS 
Syllabus for Joint CSIR UGC Test for JRF & LS (NET)